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Calendar 2025

Printable Calendar 

You can download and print a pdf list of the club's events here.
Woman on horse open gate working equitation competition far north queensland Tepon Equestrian Park Wondecla

Training Weekend

March 22nd &  23rd 

Tepon Equestrian Park, Wondecla 

Come along to the first Working Equitation Club training weekend of the year. For a fabulous weekend of training dressage, ease of handling and dash of speed. 

Two people smiling on horses working equitation club members far north queensland tepon equestrian park wondecla

Training Weekend 

Join us again for the Easter long weekend!  There is always plenty of guidance and education from our seasoned members.

Woman trotting horse around barrels in working equitation competition far north queensland tepon equestrian park

Club Training Weekend

Come along to the third Working Equitation Club training weekend of the year. For a fabulous weekend of training dressage, ease of handling and dash of speed. 

Equestrian club members smiling with their competition awards working equestrian club members group photo far north queensland tepon equestrian park wondecla

Training Weekend

Further your skills, each training weekend is different to the last, we set up a different course to challenge you and your horse with new obstacles.  Maybe spend some time in the dressage arena.

Horse ride cantering dark bay stockhorse working equitation club far north queensland tepon equestrian park wondecla

Club Training Weekend

Come along to another Working Equitation Club training weekend. For a fabulous weekend of training dressage, ease of handling and dash of speed. 


Training Weekend

The weather is still lovely at Tepon, so come up for another training weekend.

Horse rider placing pole into barrel working equitation club far north queensland horse club tepon equestrian park

Club Training Weekend

September 20th & 21st

Tepon Equestrian Park, Wondecla 

Come along to a fabulous weekend of training.  

Equestrian horse cattle clinic in large outdoor arena atherton tablelands working equitation club far north queensland

October 18th & 19th

Tepon Equestrian Park, Wondecla

Final event for the year, usually a fun time with catering by the club and fancy dress comp.  See you there!

Horse rider riding dark bay horse in undercover arena working equitation club far north queensland tepon equestrian park wondecla atherton tablelands
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